20 september 2022
new UvA spin-off: SolarFoil BV

SolarFoil is a new spin-off from the University of Amsterdam that aims to increase greenhouse productivity by optimizing sunlight to increase crop yields. In doing so, they aim to reduce the use of energy-hungry artificial lighting and make horticulture more sustainable.
They are developing nanotechnology that can convert the sunlight’s spectrum into a spectrum that improves plant growth. SolarFoil strength is its capability to provide tailored solutions for specific crops and conditions. This way growers can target different aspects of their growth. Either increasing the crop yield by targeting how fast plants grow, or the quality of grown crops by addressing certain properties of the plant (number of leaves, flowering, fruiting, etc.).
At the root of their innovative solution lie nanomaterials that can manipulate sunlight. This innovative technology is the result of research performed at the University of Amsterdam in the group of Prof. Peter Schall by dr. Arnon Lesage and dr. Yingying Tang, and was supported by the university’s innovation exchange Amsterdam (IXA), the institute of Physics, Demonstrator Lab, and NWO. Now, with the help of UvA Ventures Holding they are incorporated into the spin-off company SolarFoil B.V.
SolarFoil can also help make your horticulture more sustainable. Do not hesitate to contact them: www.solar-foil.com